Experience NŪR's Signature Luxe Brazilian: Sugaring, Vajacial & Oxygen Infusion

At our studio, we offer a luxurious treatment that combines Brazilian sugaring with a vajacial and oxygen infusion. This treatment is designed to provide the ultimate self-care experience for your intimate areas, leaving you with smoother, brighter, and healthier skin. In this article, we will explain the benefits of this unique treatment, including the benefits of oxygen infusion with botanical healing extracts.

Benefits of Brazilian Sugaring with Vajacial

Our Signature Luxe Brazilian Sugaring with vajacial treatment is a gentle hair removal technique that uses a mixture of sugar, lemon juice, and water to remove hair from the root. This ancient technique is less painful than waxing and leaves the skin smoother and silkier. The “vajacial” part of the treatment involves a light cleansing of the intimate area, followed by a brightening solution that softens the skin and prepares it for extractions. The extraction process removes impurities, dirt, and oil from the skin, unclogs pores, and promotes cell turnover, resulting in clearer,  smoother skin. A calming rose clay mask is then applied to the area, which reduces redness and inflammation.

Benefits of Oxygen Infusion

Our oxygen infusion treatment is a luxurious addition to our vajacial treatment. Oxygen infusion is a process that involves the application of pressurized oxygen and botanical healing extracts to the skin. The oxygen infusion treatment helps to improve skin texture. Furthermore, the botanical healing extracts used in the treatment provide additional benefits, such as hydration, antioxidant protection, and soothing of the skin.

Experience the Ultimate Self-Care

Our Signature Luxe Brazilian Sugaring treatment truly is the ultimate self-care experience for your intimate areas. This treatment is designed to provide you with smoother, brighter, and healthier skin. The combination of sugaring, vajacial, and oxygen infusion with botanical healing extracts is a unique and effective approach to intimate area care. 

Book your appointment for the Signature Brazilian with us today and experience the ultimate care for your intimate areas.